Booking & refund policy


A 50% deposit is required to secure your booking.

Cancellation and refund

Full refund for cancellations made two weeks or more prior to the scheduled tour date.
No refund for cancellations made within two weeks of the scheduled tour date; the deposit will be retained to cover booked services, such as minivan rental, boat trips, and tickets. No portion of the deposit will be paid to Luca Tour Guide.

Booking payment methods

The remaining balance is payable in cash at the end of the tour, or via bank transfer, PayPal, or Revolut.



Use the following email address:
Select the “Friends and Family” payment option to avoid transaction fees.
In the payment message, please include the name of the tour, tour date, your first name, and your last name. 


Revolut card

Luca Zoppo
Revolut Bank UAB

Bank trasfer

Luca Zoppo
Iban: IT65P0338501601100080228611
Bic/swift: ISYBITMM


Bank transfer

Bank name: Ing direct 
Luca Zoppo
IBAN: IT65P0338501601100080228611 
CAB: 01605
ABI: 03475
Bic/swift: INGBITD1XXX